From the time our house was being built, a lot of details caught my eye. And while some details have stayed the same, others have evolved. My photography is an attempt to not only document these details, but suggest ideas and trigger thoughts.  - RDZRivera



When our house was built, we had the builders leave a number of areas unfinished. I’m not sure if the results were intentional, but it’s easy to guess what these remind me of.

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Some are intentional, others accidental. Some are fixed, and others evolve. Some endure, others are ephemeral. As usual, the reality is always somewhere in between. 

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You look in a direction. You see a view. It doesn’t really mean anything. But why does it trigger a thought?

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I had an math professor aunt who said numbers would speak to her. I always wondered if angles could do the same. 

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In progress. Next attraction.

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In progress. Don’t hold your breath just yet. 

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